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Sustainable School in Hot and dry area

The goal is to set up non-formal education institution, which is an education system open to imbibe learning from other development projects as well as develop its own process and methods of learning more suited to its local context. This school host learning as well as residential facility.

The best way to develop self-confidence and awareness among the artesians could be through education, a component that is completely lacking in this community

" Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world  "

   -Nelson Mandela


> Discover a way  of learning that is fun and intelligent and not merely concerned with intellect, memory, skills.

> Make them view their talent as a craft and a respected tradition and not as a profession to make money.  

> Relationship between student and teacher is one to one.

> Emphasis is on interactive learning and facilitation and not teaching and absorbing.

> Recognize that each child is unique and providing a non-restrictive environment for their growth.


>  Art,music, craft and sports form an integral part of the learning process.


>  Methodology and pedagogical techniques that ensure that there is no hierarchy of knowledge and suitable for different leaning capacities and learning speed.   

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